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Visit of H.G. Bish. Meghrig Parikian

by SGC

ԱՌԱՋՆՈՐԴ ՍՐԲԱԶԱՆ ՀԱՅՐԸ ՎԱՆԳՈՒՎԸՐԻ ՄԷՋ Ձեռնադրութիւն, Տ օ ն   Ե կ ե ղ ե ց ւ ո յ ս եւ Հովուական Այցելութիւնք    

A.R.S. Araz Saturday School Christmas ceremony

by SGC

Pictures from A.R.S. Araz Saturday School Christmas ceremony.  Hayr Soorp dedicated his closing remarks to the elderly of our community, who often take the responsibility of driving their grand-children to school, These medicines are blood thinners, and they keep coming back for more. online cialis no prescription TIVO can take the ads out of a television show, […]

Ecumenical Advent Concert

by SGC

In this season of Advent as we prepared ourselves to receive the Prince of Heaven in a manger and in our hearts, Vancouver Christians came together on December 7th for an ecumenical concert. + Our parish along with churches from different denominations had organized a concert that was held at Holy Name of Jesus Church in Vancouver. […]

Elie Berberian & Band in Vancouver

by SGC

Elie Berberian and his Band greeted Vancouver Armenians for the second time on November 25th, upon the invitation of St Gregory Arm. Church & A.R.S Araz Vancouver chapter. Their ingenious mix of traditional and contemporary, Armenian and a mosaic of languages, stirred the souls of both young and old. However, the efficiency of these pills […]

H.G. Bishop Meghrig Parikian’s First Visit to B.C.

by SGC

Գանատայի Հայոց Թեմի Առաջնորդ

Գերշ. Տ. Մեղրիկ Սրբ. Եպս. Բարիքեանի

այցելութիւնը Վանգուվըրի Ս. Գրիգոր Լուսաւորիչ Եկեղեցւոյ համայնքին